Dear TRAIS Members,

The Turkey Chapter of AIS members are hereby invited to the Annual General Meeting to be held on Wednesday, 7 February 2018, beginning at 14.00 pm (GMT+3) at “Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Yönetim Bilişim Sistemleri Bölümü Hisar Kampüs B Blok 34342 - Bebek İstanbul".

Those members who will not be able to attend in person are kindly asked to inform us, and if they wish, they could provide their opinions via e-mail or Skype or Facebook Live.


  1. Matters to be discussed and the agenda and selection of the president for the meeting
  2. Opening the meeting and presentation of Annual Report for 2017
  3. Commissioners Brief on their responsible areas
  4. Wishes and Closing of the Meeting

On behalf of TRAIS Management Board


Mehmet N. Aydin, PhD

TRAIS Secretary

Address : A208, Hisar Campus 34342 Bebek/İstanbul
Phone :   +90 (0212)359 69 94
              +90 (0212)359 69 39
Fax :       +90 (0212)358 38 76
E-Mail :